Biological neural networks

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This is the web page associated with our seminar of October 10 2024 for the DU IRMIA++.

The seminar will be divided in 4 parts of 30 minutes (the following links point to the slides):

  1. Neurophysiology and working memory basics
  2. Model construction
  3. Putting the model to work (same link as above)
  4. A reproducible numerical implementation that lasts

2. Material for the 4th part

2.1. The code doing the simulation

2.2. Things to keep in mind while developping code

  • the KISS principle: "Keep it simple, stupid!"
  • document your code either with tools like Doxygen or by implementing Literate programming as was done for the above documentation (using emacs and orgmode).
    • write tests
    • these tests will also serve as examples of how to use the code
  • take care of your (pseudo)random number generator (PRNG), seed it explicitly:
    • the PRNG of Python random module is not (anymore) the same as the one of numpy
    • R and the Python random module both use the Mersenne Twister, but not the same version of the algorithm!
    • So far we have just discussed the uniform generator, things are getting worse for the generator of specific distributions: exponential, normal, Poisson,etc.
  • always split computation from graphics generation
  • use text files as much as possible
  • do not forget to include metadata in your code outputs
  • use a build automation tool like GNU Make or Meson (there are many good ones) to make your compilation / analysis re-execute automatically (example).

2.3. Make it reproducible, make it last

Author: Eva Löcherbach and Christophe Pouzat
